Samsung Galaxy S24 to capture moments at Olympics in Paris

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Samsung Galaxy S24 to capture moments at Olympics in Paris

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Pictured is a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra attached to a boat on the Seine river in Paris, where the 2024 Summer Olympics is set to start with an opening ceremony on July 26. [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

Pictured is a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra attached to a boat on the Seine river in Paris, where the 2024 Summer Olympics is set to start with an opening ceremony on July 26. [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

Pictured is a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra attached to a boat on the Seine river in Paris, where the 2024 Summer Olympics are set to start with an opening ceremony on July 26.
Samsung Electronics will sponsor the event with smartphones to livestream the athletes making their entrance at the opening ceremony as well as to take footage for the sailing competition scheduled from July 28, the tech giant said Tuesday. The footage will be broadcast worldwide through the Olympic Broadcasting Services.
Around 200 Galaxy S24 Ultras will be attached on the boats used by the athletes in the opening ceremony on the Seine. The phones will also be fixed to the yachts used in the sailing competition.
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