NewJeans tops Japan's Oricon chart with 'Supernatural'

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NewJeans tops Japan's Oricon chart with 'Supernatural'

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Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Girl group NewJeans [ADOR]

Girl group NewJeans topped Japan's Oricon music chart with its Japanese debut track "Supernatural."
"Supernatural," released Friday as the quintet's first official Japanese single, debuted atop Oricon's Daily Single Ranking chart on Friday and maintained its No. 1 spot on Sunday.

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The single also ranked No. 1 on other Japanese music charts including Line Music and AWA and sat high on Korean music streaming services' charts including Melon, according to the girl group's agency ADOR.
"It is uncommon for Japanese singles to rank high on domestic music charts," ADOR said in a press release. "This is thanks to the natural vibe that NewJeans gives off through its music that transcends languages."
NewJeans made its official Japanese debut on Friday with "Supernatural."
The group is set to hold two meet and greets on Wednesday and Thursday at the Tokyo Dome. Pop-up stores will also open on Wednesday in both Korea and Japan. 

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