Hundreds of yoga practitioners gather to celebrate discipline at Indian Embassy-organized event

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Hundreds of yoga practitioners gather to celebrate discipline at Indian Embassy-organized event

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Participants practice yoga during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Participants practice yoga during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

More than 500 yoga enthusiasts and practitioners participated in an event organized by the Indian Embassy to celebrate the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday.
Hosted by the embassy in partnership with the Korea Yoga Association (KYA), the event was attended by Ambassador of India to Seoul Amit Kumar, Cheon Jun-pil, president of KYA, An Sang-soo, former Mayor of Incheon, Lee Gi-hong, president of the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee and actor Cha Ye-ryun, the official brand ambassador for yoga appointed by the KYA.
The event on Saturday featured a series of activities, including common yoga protocol, yoga demonstrations and meditation sessions conducted by experienced yoga instructors.
Ambassador of India to Seoul Amit Kumar speaks during the opening ceremony for an event hosted by the Indian Embassy in celebration of the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Ambassador of India to Seoul Amit Kumar speaks during the opening ceremony for an event hosted by the Indian Embassy in celebration of the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Ambassador Kumar emphasized the timeless wisdom and relevance of Yoga in his opening remarks for the event, highlighting how yoga has transcended geographical and cultural boundaries, touching the lives of millions around the world.
Underlining the significance of yoga as a medium to attain the oneness of body, mind, emotion, and energy, Kumar underscored the theme of this year’s International Day of Yoga: “Yoga for Self and Society.” Cheon also underlined this theme in his remarks, referring to the significance of yoga in enriching people’s lives and contributing to creating a better world.
Around 30 booths were set up at the venue by local yoga organizations. The Indian Embassy also set up its booth to highlight and promote yoga as a connecting bridge between India and South Korea.
Participants practice yoga during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Participants practice yoga during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Participants and dignitaries pose for a photo during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

Participants and dignitaries pose for a photo during an event celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga at COEX Plaza in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Saturday. [EMBASSY OF INDIA]

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