Girl group Dreamcatcher to release 10th EP on July 10

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Girl group Dreamcatcher to release 10th EP on July 10

Girl group Dreamcatcher [DREAMCATCHER COMPANY]

Girl group Dreamcatcher [DREAMCATCHER COMPANY]

Girl group Dreamcatcher will release its 10th EP “VirtuouS” on July 10, its agency Dreamcatcher Company said Tuesday.
“VirtuouS” is the group's first EP in eight months, following its ninth EP, “VillainS,” released in November last year.
Dreamcatcher told stories of the girl group in a parallel universe in “VillainS.” The girl group will continue building on this narrative with "VirtuouS,” according to Dreamcatcher Company.
Preorders for the new album will begin on Tuesday at 3 p.m. Dreamcatcher will unveil teaser images, the tracklist and music video teasers leading up to the new album's release date.
Dreamcatcher has been performing in cities including Barcelona, Spain; London; Paris; and Hong Kong as part of its “Luck Inside 7 Doors” world tour, which started in Seoul on Jan. 13. The girl group is set to perform in Taipei, Taiwan on July 27, followed by concerts in Mexico City on Sept. 11; São Paulo, Brazil on Sept. 15; and Santiago, Chile on Sept. 17.
To find out more about Dreamcatcher, visit Celeb Confirmed! 

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