Gyeongnam striker suspended, accused of knowingly transmitting STD

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Gyeongnam striker suspended, accused of knowingly transmitting STD



Gyeongnam FC have suspended striker Yun Ju-tae due to an ongoing prosecutor investigation into allegations that he knowingly passed on a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
"We are aware of the situation and have immediately suspended the player,” said the club through social media on Tuesday.  
Yun is accused of engaging in a sexual relationship with a woman even though he knew he had an STD and could potentially transmit the disease.
The club addressed that the incident occurred last year, prior to Yun's return to the club, but they plan to take strict measures based on the investigation's findings.
"We sincerely apology to all the fans,” the club said through a statement.
In May, Gyeonggi's Siheung Police Precinct booked Yun without detention and forwarded the case to the prosecution.
The investigation began after the woman he had a sexual relationship with filed a lawsuit against him last December.  
Police accused Yun of willful negligence and referred the case to the prosecution.
Under Korean law, if an individual that knowingly has an STD engages in any sexual encounter without informing their partner, they can be charged with inflicting bodily harm.
The K League is also considering calling a disciplinary committee to look into the case.
Making his professional debut with the German club FSV Frankfurt in 2011, Yun has played in the K league since 2014, representing FC Seoul, Gyeongnam FC and Ansan Greeners. He returned to Gyeongnam FC for the 2024 season.

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