Samsung begins production of thinnest LPDDR5X memory chips for AI

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Samsung begins production of thinnest LPDDR5X memory chips for AI

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The industry's thinnest low-power double data rate (LPDDR) 5X memory chip developed by Samsung Electronics [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

The industry's thinnest low-power double data rate (LPDDR) 5X memory chip developed by Samsung Electronics [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

Samsung Electronics began mass production of the industry’s thinnest low-power double data rate (LPDDR) 5X memory chip in 12GB and 16GB capacities, it said on Tuesday.
The thickness of the new product is 0.65 millimeters, constituting four layers of 12-nanometer-class LPDDR chips. The thickness was reduced by 9 percent and thermal resistance was improved 21.2 percent compared to its predecessor, according to the company.
The thinness of the latest product was achieved through a back-lap packaging process that thins the wafer by grinding the backside.
The reduced thickness allows for extra space that enables smoother air flow and helps control the internal temperature of devices.
The LPDDR 5X memory chip developed by Samsung Electronics is available in 12GB and 16GB capacities. [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

The LPDDR 5X memory chip developed by Samsung Electronics is available in 12GB and 16GB capacities. [SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS]

LPDDR is a type of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) that is optimized for high-performance solutions with low power consumption, commonly needed in mobile devices. It is utilized in on-device AI, since AI performance without an external connection means the device has to be equipped with smaller and more energy-efficient memory chips.
On-device AI typically activates thermal throttling — a control feature that limits performance when the device’s temperature exceeds a certain threshold to prevent overheating — and with the new product, that activation can be delayed to minimize performance drops such as reduced speed and screen brightness.
Samsung plans to propel development in LPDDR chips with 6-layered 24GB and 8-layered 32GB modules in the future.
“A surge in demand for high-performance on-device AI increased the importance of not only the performance of LPDDR chips but thermal control capability as well,” said Samsung Electronics' Bae Yong-cheol, head of the memory product planning team, in a statement. “Samsung will consistently work to develop low-power DRAMs that are thinner than existing products and provide optimized solutions through close collaboration with customers.”

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