Actor Jang Keun-suk reveals thyroid cancer diagnosis, surgery

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Actor Jang Keun-suk reveals thyroid cancer diagnosis, surgery

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Actor Jang Keun-suk [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Actor Jang Keun-suk [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Actor Jang Keun-suk surprised his fans by revealing that he’s been battling thyroid cancer.
In a short video uploaded to his YouTube channel on Friday titled, “Hello, This is Jang Keun-suk. I Have Something to Confess," Jang said that he recently underwent surgery and that he is now on the road to recovery.
“It’s been two weeks since my surgery,” he began, his voice slightly strained.

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Struggling to open his mouth fully, Jang said he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a year ago and that people would be surprised as he kept it quite discreet. The actor said he didn’t want to reveal it out of concern for his fans, fearing they would worry.

“Fortunately, the surgery went well,” he added.
Fans have flooded social media with messages of support for Jang.
He debuted as an actor in the HBS sitcom "Selling Happiness" in 1997. He is best known for starring in the Korean television dramas "Beethoven Virus" (2008), "You're Beautiful" (2009), "Marry Me, Mary!" (2010) and "Love Rain" (2012). As a singer, Jang released his first EP "Let Me Cry" in 2011. The EP landed at No. 1 on Japan's Oricon single chart as he became the first non-Japanese act to have a debut single claim the top spot. He is currently appearing in Netflix’s new show “The Influencer.”

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