Virtual idol Plave to drop new single 'Pump Up The Volume!' ahead of October concert

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Virtual idol Plave to drop new single 'Pump Up The Volume!' ahead of October concert

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Virtual idol Plave [VLAST]

Virtual idol Plave [VLAST]

Virtual idol Plave will release its new digital single, "Pump Up The Volume!," on Tuesday, according to its agency, Vlast.
"Pump Up The Volume!” was created based on a melody the members improvised during a livestream in June," Vlast said on Tuesday. "It has been reborn into a song that showcases Plave's iconic refreshing vibes."

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The song is a retro band track designed to beat the heat, according to the agency. A music video will be released alongside the song at 6 p.m.
"Pump Up The Volume!" is the group's first release in six months, following its second EP, "Asterum: 134-1," in February. After that, Plave became the first virtual idol to win a weekly music program on television.
Vlast also signed a partnership deal with HYBE Japan to accelerate the avatar quintet's debut in Japan.
Plave will hold its concert "Hello, Asterum!" on Oct. 5 and 6 at the Jamsil Arena in southern Seoul.

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