LG Innotek wraps up global internship, set to hire top performers

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LG Innotek wraps up global internship, set to hire top performers

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Students that completed LG Innotek's global internship program pose for a photo with their certificates. [LG INNOTEK]

Students that completed LG Innotek's global internship program pose for a photo with their certificates. [LG INNOTEK]

LG Innotek announced Tuesday that it has completed its five-week global internship program, which aims to extend job offers to the most impressive interns.
A total of 31 students — international students attending Korean universities and Korean students studying at overseas universities — participated in this year's global internship program, working across various teams such as research and development (R&D), overseas marketing and supply chain management. The company has been running the internship program since 2021.
The interns will undergo additional interviews, with outstanding candidates being offered regular employee positions at the company. For last year's internship, 24 students participated in the program and 11 were given job offers.
International students who receive job offers will work at LG Innotek's offices in Korea but will be prioritized if they wish to relocate to overseas offices.
"I thought the company really valued talent as they carefully helped me through every step of the work permit application process and ran the internship program in a way that allowed us to learn and experience as much as possible," said Konul Babayeva, who joined LG Innotek following her internship last year. "I want to become a professional marketer who actively communicates with global clients and overseas offices, leveraging various foreign language skills such as Azerbaijani, Korean, English, Russian and Turkish."
LG Innotek assists international students with administrative processes such as visas. For Korean students from overseas universities, the company assigns employees with similar backgrounds as their mentors to help them adapt quickly. 
The company also hosts talks with international employees and networking events for international students.
LG Innotek has been focusing on hiring global talent, as the overseas market is crucial to its business, operating various programs for international students. According to the company, around 96 percent of its annual revenue of 20 trillion won ($15 billion) comes from overseas with many of its clients being global companies.  
The company signed a memorandum of understanding with Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2023, offering scholarships to select students and positions at its Vietnamese office upon graduation.
LG Innotek will also host an R&D conference in North America in September, introducing the company and job opportunities to master's and doctoral candidates in the region.  
"It is crucial to strengthen our global competitiveness as LG Innotek is rapidly expanding the scale of its overseas production and sales subsidiaries, and we grow based on partnerships with clients all around the world," said Kim Heung-sik, chief human resources officer of LG Innotek. "We will actively seek talent that can drive the company's growth, ensuring we continue to deliver unique value to our customers." 

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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