LG Energy Solution to sell its battery safety diagnostics software

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LG Energy Solution to sell its battery safety diagnostics software

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LG Energy Solution employees pose with the company's cylindrical batteries. [LG ENERGY SOLUTION]

LG Energy Solution employees pose with the company's cylindrical batteries. [LG ENERGY SOLUTION]

With skyrocketing safety concerns over EVs, LG Energy Solution will start selling its battery safety diagnostics software that has the ability to detect defects with over 90 percent accuracy.
The Korean battery maker said Wednesday the sale comes amid growing requests from global automakers who don't even use batteries from LG Energy Solution.

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The company developed the software based on analytical data acquired from more than 130,000 battery cells and 1,000 battery modules.
It can detect various types of defects such as battery tab failure, abnormal discharge and excessive lithium precipitation with 90 percent accuracy.
The software can be applied to automakers' battery management system (BMS), which is touted as the "brain" of the battery pack that monitors the condition of EV batteries, such as temperature and voltage deviation, and controls key parameters.
When the system detects anything unusual, it automatically assesses the risk and sends a message to the customer to prevent bigger incidents like a fire.
LG Energy's software also has a function to predict battery degradation. Applying artificial intelligence computing technology, the function has a margin of error of less than 1 percent.
A total of nine carmakers are using the software so far including Hyundai Motor.
LG Energy Solution holds more than 8,000 patents in the BMS-related sector, making it the battery firm with the most number of patents in the world.
"LG Energy Solution will continue to offer irreplaceable customer value not only in the manufacturing field but also in the BMS area to ensure the safety and healthy use of batteries," said LG Energy Solution CEO Kim Dong-myung. 

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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