Seoul National University, KDI to begin classes at Sejong Joint Campus in September

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Seoul National University, KDI to begin classes at Sejong Joint Campus in September

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A view of the Sejong Joint Campus in Jiphyeon-dong, Sejong [NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CITY CONSTRUCTION]

A view of the Sejong Joint Campus in Jiphyeon-dong, Sejong [NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CITY CONSTRUCTION]

Schools such as Seoul National University and KDI School of Public Policy and Management will begin offering classes for select programs at the new Sejong Joint Campus starting in September, with more universities planning to use the campus in the future.
A total of 536 students from four universities will be using the Sejong Joint Campus in Jiphyeon-dong, Sejong, to attend lectures starting in September, according to the National Agency for Administrative City Construction on Tuesday.
Classes for master's and doctorate students enrolled in Seoul National University's advanced course for administrative development program, master's and doctorate students in KDI's public policy and management program, master's students in KDI's data science for public policy and management program, bachelor's students in Hanbat National University's Department of Artificial Intelligence Software and Big Data program and bachelor's and master's students in Chungbuk National University's veterinary medicine program will be held at the campus.
Around 400 students in Chungnam National University's College of Medicine were also scheduled to have classes at the joint campus, but the plan has been postponed to March next year due to the ongoing medical student walkout.
The National Agency for Administrative City Construction aims for the Sejong Joint Campus to allow students to share facilities while jointly working on research and studies.
A 58,111 square meter (625,500 square foot) plot of land is reserved for the campus. Currently, four buildings that will be used for lectures have been built, along with a gym, library and a student union building.  
Universities will be able to either rent buildings that have already been constructed, which is the case for the four universities starting classes in September, or purchase a plot of land to build their own facilities.
Kongju National University and Korea University's Sejong Campus will be purchasing parts of the land in the Sejong Joint Campus to build their own facilities. Chungnam National University also plans to do so for students enrolled in AI and ICT majors.
The three universities aim to complete construction and open sometime between 2027 and 2029.
The National Agency for Administrative City Construction also plans to finish building an eight-story dormitory on campus that will house around 500 students.
Before construction is finished, students will be able to use the nearby LH Happy House, a type of affordable housing built by Korea Land & Housing Corporation, as a temporary dormitory.

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