Doctor fined $30,000 for illegally administering propofol to actor Yoo Ah-in

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Doctor fined $30,000 for illegally administering propofol to actor Yoo Ah-in

Actor Yoo Ah-in attends his final trial for drug charges at the Seoul Central District Court in southern Seoul on July 24. [YONHAP]

Actor Yoo Ah-in attends his final trial for drug charges at the Seoul Central District Court in southern Seoul on July 24. [YONHAP]

A doctor accused of illegally administering propofol to actor Yoo Ah-in without a proper prescription was fined on Thursday.
The Seoul Central District Court found the defendant guilty of violating the Narcotics Control Act and fined him 40 million won ($29,900).
The Narcotics Control Act prohibits the unregulated use of what it defines as psychotropic drugs, including propofol. Such substances are only legal with a valid prescription.
"The defendant failed to document the administration of high doses of propofol, did not keep proper medical records and issued false prescriptions without examining patients," the court said, condemning the doctor's actions as an abuse of psychotropic drugs for financial gain.  
However, the court deemed a prison sentence too severe, considering the doctor's deep remorse and lack of a prior criminal record.  
In January, prosecutors indicted six doctors, including the defendant, for overprescribing sleeping pills and psychotropic drugs to the 37-year-old actor.
The other five doctors have already received either suspended prison sentences or fines and have since appealed.  
Yoo, whose real name is Uhm Hong-sik, is currently on trial for allegedly using propofol 181 times under the guise of general anesthesia for cosmetic procedures between September 2020 and March 2022. Yoo previously admitted to developing a dependence on the drug but stated that the medication was prescribed as part of his medical treatment.
The verdict from his first trial is expected on Sept. 3, with prosecutors seeking a four-year prison sentence for Yoo.

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