GS Group creates cultural foundation to support artistic content creation

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GS Group creates cultural foundation to support artistic content creation

From left: Lee Joon-myung, Kim & Chang law firm attorney; Eugene H J Bang, former CEO of DBS Bank Korea; Kim Hyun-ah, head of marketing and public relations at the Korean National Ballet; Huh Tae-soo, chairman of GS Group; Rha Wan-bae, former vice chairman of GS Energy and Hong Soon-ky, chairman and CEO of GS Holdings pose for a photo at the inaugural meeting of the GS Cultural Foundation at GS Tower in southern Seoul on July 3. [GS GROUP]

From left: Lee Joon-myung, Kim & Chang law firm attorney; Eugene H J Bang, former CEO of DBS Bank Korea; Kim Hyun-ah, head of marketing and public relations at the Korean National Ballet; Huh Tae-soo, chairman of GS Group; Rha Wan-bae, former vice chairman of GS Energy and Hong Soon-ky, chairman and CEO of GS Holdings pose for a photo at the inaugural meeting of the GS Cultural Foundation at GS Tower in southern Seoul on July 3. [GS GROUP]

GS Group has established a foundation to foster the creation of cultural and artistic content.
On Thursday, GS Group said that it had officially launched the GS Cultural Foundation on Aug. 21, following the finalization of its board members, which began with the appointment of GS Group Chairman Huh Tae-soo as the foundation's first chairperson in July.
The group aims to establish infrastructure and professional operations to create a beneficial environment for content creators and consumers. It also seeks to provide direct support to artists and utilize various channels to create and distribute cultural and artistic content.
The foundation will use a remodeled space accommodating 1,200 people, previously known as the LG Art Center in Yeoksam, Gangnam District, southern Seoul. The space is slated to open on the 20th anniversary of GS Group’s founding and will be used for its own programs for three months, after which it will be available for other cultural activities and performances annually.  
"The cultural space was widely loved in the past, and since we have been waiting for the space to be completely remodeled for a long time, we aim to make it even more exceptional," said Huh, the foundation's inaugural chairperson. "We will strive to create a sustainable cultural environment based on the synergistic power of cultural and artistic services and content."

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