Heroic motorcyclist helps police catch thief who stole bag from suicidal man

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Heroic motorcyclist helps police catch thief who stole bag from suicidal man

A screen capture of a cyclist stealing a bag of a man attempting suicide on Mapo Bridge. [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

A screen capture of a cyclist stealing a bag of a man attempting suicide on Mapo Bridge. [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

A thief who stole the bag of a man attempting suicide on a bridge was caught by police with the help of a passing motorcyclist.
A person precariously perched on the handrail of the Mapo Bridge in Yeongdeungpo District, western Seoul, was reported to police on Aug. 18, according to a video uploaded by the Seoul Metropolitan Police to their YouTube channel, "Seoul Police," on Friday.
As police were en route to rescue the man, CCTV footage captured a cyclist stealing a bag belonging to the man, who police said was attempting to jump into the Han River from the bridge. The bag was placed on the pedestrian walkway of the bridge.
Once police learned that the man had been rescued by a lifesaving service, they quickly turned their attention to the thief and began chasing the cyclist.
Despite police commands to stop, the thief sped into narrow alleyways. An officer in the passenger seat of the patrol car jumped out to chase him on foot, while another officer pursued him on a Seoul bike, a public bicycle in Seoul.
As the patrol car entered the alley where the thief was expected to pass, a motorcyclist overtook the patrol car to assist in the chase.
"I realized it was an urgent situation when I saw two patrol cars chasing after a cyclist," said the motorcyclist.
"I knew the cyclist must have committed a crime when I saw the police chasing him."
Thanks to his assistance, police were able to apprehend the thief, who later admitted that he stole the bag believing it "contained cash."
The Seoul Mapo Police Precinct awarded the motorcyclist, Lee, with a certificate and compensation.
"I realized once again how my family and I can sleep safely thanks to officers who are passionate about their jobs," Lee said, expressing pride in his contribution to public safety.
If you or someone you know is feeling emotionally distressed or struggling with thoughts of suicide, LifeLine Korea can be contacted at 1588-9191 or the Crisis Counseling Center at 1577-0199. The Seoul Global Center offers English-language counseling, contact 02-2075-4180 (+1) to arrange a session. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.

BY JEONG HYE-JEONG,WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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