Armed Forces Day on Oct. 1 designated as temporary holiday

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Armed Forces Day on Oct. 1 designated as temporary holiday

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President Yoon Suk Yeol, center, checks out dried yellow corvine, or gulbi, during a visit to the Changdong branch of the Nonghyup Hanaro Mart in Dobong District, northern Seoul, on Tuesday, ahead of the Chuseok holiday later this month. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, center, checks out dried yellow corvine, or gulbi, during a visit to the Changdong branch of the Nonghyup Hanaro Mart in Dobong District, northern Seoul, on Tuesday, ahead of the Chuseok holiday later this month. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFFICE]

The government designated Armed Forces Day on Oct. 1 this year as a temporary holiday to show support for the nation's military personnel.  
The Cabinet on Tuesday passed a motion to designate this year's Armed Forces Day, marking the 76th founding anniversary of the country's armed forces, as a holiday.  
"By designating Armed Forces Day as a temporary public holiday this year, we plan to raise public interest on the importance of national security and use it as an opportunity to recall the role of our Armed Forces and the hard work of our soldiers," Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said.  

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He said it was "a very serious time for domestic and international security situations," noting North Korea's "series of provocations" and the Middle East conflict.
"Strong security is the foundation of the country and supports our economy," Han said, adding the designation will also help to raise soldiers' morale and sense of duty through public support.  
Armed Forces Day was established to commemorate the South Korean army's crossing of the 38th parallel during the 1950-53 Korean War on Oct. 1, 1950. It was excluded as a public holiday in 1991.
The conservative People Power Party (PPP) asked the government to designate Armed Forces Day a temporary public holiday during a meeting on Aug. 25.
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo strikes the gavel to begin a Cabinet meeting at the government complex in central Seoul on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo strikes the gavel to begin a Cabinet meeting at the government complex in central Seoul on Tuesday. [NEWS1]

This year's Armed Forces Day falls on a Tuesday.  
It follows the four-day Chuseok holiday later this month and comes ahead of two other holidays in October: National Foundation Day on Oct. 3 and Hangul Day on Oct. 9.
President Yoon Suk Yeol later approved the designation and signed off on three bills passed by the National Assembly, including one dealing with home rental scams, through a rare bipartisan agreement earlier this week.  
The bill grants victims of home rental scams the right to lease public housing for up to 20 years. Most of the victims were swindled under the country's unique jeonse rental system, which allows tenants to live in a property rent-free or for reduced rent over a fixed period in return for paying the landlord a large lump-sum deposit.
Under the system, many forgo the potential interest that would accrue on the amount if it had been left in a bank account during their tenancy.
Regarding the holiday designation, the presidential office said in a statement, "The government designated it a temporary public holiday to boost the morale of the military and raise the public's security awareness by highlighting the importance of national defense and the value of the armed forces amidst the severe security situation."
It added that the move is also expected to "contribute to revitalizing the economy" by stimulating domestic consumption.
Later Tuesday, Yoon, flanked by presidential aides, visited Nonghyup Hanaro Mart's Changdong branch in Dobong District, northern Seoul, to meet with merchants and shoppers ahead of the Chuseok holiday and listen to their opinions on the cost of living.  
Yoon pulled a cart and visited fruit, vegetable, meat, fish and other vendors, according to a presidential official.  
Visiting an apple counter, Yoon spoke with customers and said, "The prices of apples and pears are still high, but we are working at lowering the prices by releasing government reserves for the holiday, so please wait a little bit more," according to the official.
At the vegetable counter, he discussed the harvesting of crops and the prices of cabbage and garlic with the head of the wholesale division.  
Yoon purchased 10 apples, a box of Naju pears, a bag of Cheorwon Odae rice, chicken, seaweed, songpyeon (moon-shaped Korean traditional rice cake) and other treats at the supermarket.  
The presidential office said Yoon's visit was to inspect prices and check whether the government's measures to stabilize people's livelihoods announced on Aug. 28 were being properly implemented.

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