Doosan showcases engineering developments for green economy at WCE

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Doosan showcases engineering developments for green economy at WCE

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a gas turbine made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a gas turbine made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a small modular reactor made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a small modular reactor made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a gas turbine made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday.

Attendees of the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) observe a model of a small modular reactor made by Doosan for use in aviation and power generation on Wednesday.
The WCE, running through Friday at the Bexco convention center in Busan, features 11 conferences related to the shift to a carbon-free era in the climate and energy industry, including 537 corporate exhibitions and 55 side events. Co-organized with International Energy Agency, the event features talks and panels about green growth through renewable energy, nuclear and hydrogen power as well as carbon capture technology.
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