Samsung SDI to showcase high-nickel battery box at Renewable Energy Plus 2024

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Samsung SDI to showcase high-nickel battery box at Renewable Energy Plus 2024

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Samsung SDI's booth at Renewable Energy Plus 2024, the largest energy exhibition in North America, which kicks off on Monday in Anaheim, California [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI's booth at Renewable Energy Plus 2024, the largest energy exhibition in North America, which kicks off on Monday in Anaheim, California [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI will be heavily promoting its high-performance battery lineups for energy storage systems (ESS) at the upcoming Renewable Energy Plus 2024, the largest energy exhibition in North America. 
The Korean battery maker said Sunday that its major products on display will include the Samsung Battery Box (SBB) 1.5 with high-nickel cells, which boasts a 37 percent increase in energy density over previous products, at the four-day event that kicks off on Monday in Anaheim, California. 

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The SBB 1.5 comes with an enhanced direct injection system with fire extinguishing agents that immediately spray in cases of batteries catching fire. 
Samsung SDI will also display high-output batteries for uninterruptible power supplies, targeted for mass production next year. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, the technology prevalent in China to develop cheaper batteries with fewer fire risks, will also be on display. Samsung SDI aims to start production of LFP batteries in 2026. 
Samsung SDI recently inked an ESS deal potentially worth 1 trillion won ($750 million) with Florida energy company NextEra Energy, the largest ESS agreement for any Korean battery maker.
The U.S. ESS market, which totaled around $8 billion this year, is expected to jump 140 percent to $18.7 billion by 2030.

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