Former Korean ambassador to Czech Republic receives medal for bolstering bilateral ties

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Former Korean ambassador to Czech Republic receives medal for bolstering bilateral ties

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Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, right, awards a “Distinguished Contribution to Diplomacy Medal” to former Korean Ambassador to the Czech Republic Moon Ha-yong on Tuesday at the Czech ambassador to Korea's residence in Yongsan District, central Seoul. [EMBASSY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN SEOUL]

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, right, awards a “Distinguished Contribution to Diplomacy Medal” to former Korean Ambassador to the Czech Republic Moon Ha-yong on Tuesday at the Czech ambassador to Korea's residence in Yongsan District, central Seoul. [EMBASSY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN SEOUL]

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky on Tuesday awarded former Korean Ambassador to the Czech Republic Moon Ha-yong a “Distinguished Contribution to Diplomacy Medal” in recognition of his long-term dedication to “strengthening economic links and nurturing deeper cultural ties” between the two countries.
Moon, the first Korean national to receive the award, served as Seoul's top envoy to Prague from June 2013 to November 2016. 
During his term in office, Moon founded the Czech-Korea Forum for the Future, facilitating high-level bilateral dialogue and cooperation in science, innovations and culture since 2015. 

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Czech Ambassador to Korea Ivan Jancarek and former Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin also attended the ceremony, which was held at the ambassador's residence in Yongsan District, central Seoul.
In his opening remarks, Lipavsky said that the “strategic partnership between two countries” led him to Korea, marking the first such visit by a Czech foreign minister in eight years.
He also described his country’s decision to select Korea as a preferred bidder for its nuclear power plant project as a “historic moment.”
“This new nuclear partnership is a driving force in our broader strategic cooperation,” Lipavsky said, adding the two countries will “explore new opportunities for collaboration during President Yoon Suk Yeol’s upcoming visit to Czechia.”
The minister emphasized security cooperation as another priority during his visit to Korea, one of NATO’s four “partners for peace” in the Indo-Pacific region. He noted that the security situation in the region directly affects European security and vice versa.
Later during the ceremony, Jancarek told the Korea JoongAng Daily that Prague’s first and foremost priority during Yoon’s upcoming visit to the Czech Republic is to “finish the nuclear deal.”
The ambassador also expressed hope that the two countries would use the nuclear deal as an opportunity for “further development of bilateral relations, not only in economy, which includes trade and investment but also in areas like people-to-people ties and cultural aspects such as sports and tourism.”

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