$1.5 million payment to SK chairman's estranged wife stands with no appeals filed

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$1.5 million payment to SK chairman's estranged wife stands with no appeals filed

SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, left, and Roh Soh-yeong [NEWS1]

SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, left, and Roh Soh-yeong [NEWS1]

The decision for SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won's live-in partner Kim Hee-young to pay 2 billion won ($1.5 million) to the chairman's estranged wife is officially final, as the period during which either side could've appealed has passed. 
The Seoul Family Court ordered the payment on Aug. 22, stating, “It is evident that the plaintiff went through mental distress, so the defendant is obligated to pay the compensation.” Kim sent the funds to Roh Soh-yeong immediately following the decision and stated that she would not appeal, but a legal avenue nevertheless remained, for a few weeks, for either side to attempt to alter the outcome.
The 2 billion won payment is now final, the JoongAng Ilbo reported Wednesday, citing a source inside the court. Chey's estranged wife Roh did not lodge an appeal by Sept. 9, the final day on which she was eligible to do so, and Kim had already submitted an appeal waiver on Aug. 26, according to the source.

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“The defendant [Kim] and Chey's affair, giving birth to a child out of wedlock, Chey's unilateral separation and the [two's] making public appearances are acknowledged as reasons behind fundamental damage to the plaintiff [Roh] and Chey's relationship, and led to the dissolution of the marriage,” the court ruled back in August. The court also dismissed Kim’s claim that the marital relationship was effectively defunct.
In a statement after the August ruling, Kim said, “I apologize to Roh once again. I am particularly sorry for the children, who have been emotionally hurt by witnessing the adults' conflict for so long.”
In a separate case, the Seoul High Court ordered Chey to pay Roh 1.38 trillion won in the property division. Chey has appealed that decision, and the case is currently undergoing court proceedings.

BY KIM EUN-BIN [yoon.seungjin@joongang.co.kr]
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