Production agreed to 'no encores,' says Angela Gheorghiu in justification for 'Tosca' interruption

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Production agreed to 'no encores,' says Angela Gheorghiu in justification for 'Tosca' interruption

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Soprano Angela Gheorghiu speaks during the press conference for the opera ″Tosca″ at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Aug. 30 [YONHAP]

Soprano Angela Gheorghiu speaks during the press conference for the opera ″Tosca″ at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Aug. 30 [YONHAP]

Soprano Angela Gheorghiu said Thursday that she only interrupted the opera performance "Tosca" on Sunday because there was an agreement beforehand that there would be no encore.
"Ms. Gheorghiu deeply regrets the circumstances which led to the incident at Sejong Arts Center on Sunday," her agency Intermusica said in a statement.  

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Gheorghui, who played the titular character Floria Tosca, came under fire on Sunday after she interrupted and cut off the encore of another cast member. The agency justified the soprano’s behavior, saying it was based on her "strong convictions on this matter."
"Ms. Gheorghiu believes firmly that encores outside of a concert-performance setting disrupt the narrative flow of opera,” her agency’s statement reads.
The agency explained that Gheorghiu had initially confirmed with conductor Jee Joong-bae and the production team that there would be no encores from any of the performers. However, during the show, Jee requested an encore for Gheorghiu's aria "Vissi d’arte," which she declined.
It was when tenor Alfred Kim started an encore of "E lucevan le stelle" during the third act that Gheorghiu took matters into her own hands and halted the performance, asking for "respect."

The incident was immediately met with boos from the audience, resulting in Gheorghiu leaving the stage without acknowledging the audience. The Sejong Center for the Performing Arts said that it would seek an apology from Gheorghiu.
However, Gheorghiu's statement did not include an apology.
"Ms. Gheorghiu wishes to express her profound respect and love for Korean audiences, with whom she has cherished a wonderful relationship for many years," it said.
The same day, the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts followed up with a second statement, urging Gheorghiu to apologize for compromising the audience’s right to enjoy the show.
“The essence of this issue is not whether or not there was an encore, but the fact that Gheorghiu disrupted the performance,” the statement reads.
The Sejong Center hit back, saying that encores are not determined before the show but may happen when a “rapport” is formed between the performers, audience and conductor.
“Encores happen according to the conductor’s decision, not by the wishes of an individual soprano,” the statement continued, adding that the possibility of an encore was “politely” reaffirmed with Gheorghiu’s personal manager before the start of the final performance of “Tosca.”
Although Gheorghiu did express her wish that the entire cast, including herself, would not put on any encores through a text message from her personal manager to the interpreter, the Sejong Center denied that it was an “agreement” among all parties, like Gheorghiu claimed.
“The soprano does not have the sole authority over deciding the encores,” the Sejong Center said, adding that her behavior was “unjustifiable" and that she should have chosen other ways to give her opinion.

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