McDonald's Korea wins Asian marketing award for Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger campaign

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McDonald's Korea wins Asian marketing award for Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger campaign

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McDonald’s Korea’s marketing campaign for its Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger won a bronze award at the APAC Effie Awards 2024. [MCDONALDS KOREA]

McDonald’s Korea’s marketing campaign for its Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger won a bronze award at the APAC Effie Awards 2024. [MCDONALDS KOREA]

McDonald’s Korea marketing campaign for its Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger won a bronze award at the APAC Effie Awards 2024, the fast-food chain said Thursday. 
APAC Effie Awards, held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Singapore last Friday, is a yearly award ceremony that celebrates the effective marketing campaigns of the year.
The company released the Jindo Green Onion burger in 2023 as a part of its Taste of Korea marketing campaign. 

McDonald’s Taste of Korea marketing campaign for the Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger featured local green onion farmers harvesting the crop and eventually eating the burgers at a local festival.
McDonald’s Korea also landed third place for the Brand of the Year and Marketer of the Year special awards.
The hamburger chain recently released the Jinju Pepper Cream Cheese Burger in July as the fourth entry in its Taste of Korea series and re-released the Jindo green onion burger in July. 

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