Culture Minister Yu In-chon calls for KFA chairman to 'voluntarily step down'

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Culture Minister Yu In-chon calls for KFA chairman to 'voluntarily step down'

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Hong Myung-bo, the Korean national football team’s current manager, left, and Korea Football Association Chairman Chung Mong-gyu [NEWS1, YONHAP]

Hong Myung-bo, the Korean national football team’s current manager, left, and Korea Football Association Chairman Chung Mong-gyu [NEWS1, YONHAP]

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yu In-chon effectively called for the resignation of the Korea Football Association (KFA) Chairman Chung Mong-gyu.
The remark was made during a CBS radio segment on Friday.
“Chung is now trying to serve a fourth consecutive term,” Yu said. He explained that KFA chairmen typically serve only two terms but may be allowed additional terms under some exceptions by the Sports Fairness Committee of the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee.
“But seeing the public opinion these days, I personally think it would be more honorable for him to voluntarily step down.”
Since the controversial appointment of Hong Myung-bo as the Korean national team’s manager, Yu acknowledged that there may have been some “procedural problems.”

When asked if Chung had intervened in the selection process of Hong, Yu said that it was "hard to say, exactly." 
The Culture Ministry has been conducting an audit, and the results are expected to be revealed within this month.
“From the Culture Ministry’s perspective, if there has been a problem with Hong’s appointment, we will definitely point it out,” Yu said. “The KFA will then have to decide whether to name a new manager or go through the appointment process again to keep Hong.”

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