Heavy rain batters Korean Peninsula, triggering sinkhole and evacuations

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Heavy rain batters Korean Peninsula, triggering sinkhole and evacuations

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Two trucks fell into a sinkhole on a road in Sasang District, Busan, on Saturday morning. [BUSAN METROPOLITAN POLICE AGENCY]

Two trucks fell into a sinkhole on a road in Sasang District, Busan, on Saturday morning. [BUSAN METROPOLITAN POLICE AGENCY]

Heavy rains flooded parts of the Korean Peninsula overnight, causing a sinkhole in Busan on Saturday.
The sinkhole, located on a road in the city's Sasang District, swallowed two trucks at around 8:45 a.m. It measured 10 meters (394 inches) wide, 5 meters long and 8 meters deep.

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No casualties were reported as a result of the sinkhole, according to the Busan Fire Headquarters.
Busan had received 223.8 millimeters (8.8 inches) of rain overnight as of 11 a.m., according to the Korea Meteorological Administration.
Fire authorities drain water from flooded roads in Haeundae District, Busan, on Saturday morning. [BUSAN METROPOLITAN CITY FIRE DISASTER HEADQUARTERS]

Fire authorities drain water from flooded roads in Haeundae District, Busan, on Saturday morning. [BUSAN METROPOLITAN CITY FIRE DISASTER HEADQUARTERS]

Heavy rain warnings remain in effect for the Yeongdong region of Gangwon, Chungcheong and the southern regions. Southern areas, including parts of Jeolla, Chungcheong and Gyeongsang, are experiencing rainfall between 30 and 50 millimeters per hour, while Gimhae in South Gyeongsang is seeing heavier downpours of up to 60 millimeters per hour.
The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters reported that 506 people from 342 households in North and South Gyeongsang, Busan and South Chungcheong had been evacuated as of 4 a.m. due to the heavy rains.
The majority of those people, 436, had bee residents of North Gyeongsang.
A total of 494 people from 330 households remained displaced as of that time, taking shelter in temporary or community facilities, the government said.
People with umbrellas walk near Seoul Station in Jung District, central Seoul, as heavy rain batters the country on Saturday. [NEWS1]

People with umbrellas walk near Seoul Station in Jung District, central Seoul, as heavy rain batters the country on Saturday. [NEWS1]

Heavy rains also flooded 54 sections of public roads, leading to seven incidents of soil loss and the collapse of a retaining wall.
A total of 10 private houses were also inundated, impacting more than 10 private facilities including stores and factories.
As of Saturday morning, 38 sections of roads in areas including Gangwon and South Gyeongsang and other areas, along with 41 underground roadways, were blocked due to safety concerns. An additional 430 sections of 17 national parks across the nation remained inaccessible.
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety raised the heavy rain warning level from "caution" to "alert."

BY CHO JUNG-WOO, YONHAP [cho.jungwoo1@joongang.co.kr]
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