Hyundai chair pledges significant investments for Czech plant

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Hyundai chair pledges significant investments for Czech plant

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Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung during his visit to the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech (HMMC) manufacturing plant in Nosovice, Czech Republic on Thursday [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung during his visit to the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech (HMMC) manufacturing plant in Nosovice, Czech Republic on Thursday [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung emphasized the importance of the automaker's Czech plant as its sole EV manufacturer within Europe, pledging significant investment for the site during his visit to the facility on Thursday. 
“Despite the uncertainty in the global market, Hyundai’s Czech plant is playing a very important role in the success of the group,” Chung said during his Thursday visit to the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech (HMMC) plant located in Nosovice in the Czech Republic.

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“HMMC acts as a core place for [Hyundai's] future investment in technology and [its] sustainable mobility vision," Chung said, adding that he will “constantly support investments [to improve] quality and safety."
Hyundai Motor Group will adapt to the market with the company’s internal combustion engine, hybrid and EV lineup tailored for Europe.
The company will release the Inster by the end of this year, a European version of the Casper Electric small EV that it launched in Korea earlier this year.
The Inster and Kona Electric, produced at the Czech plant, will be Hyundai’s mainstream EVs for the European market alongside the Ioniq 5, produced at the Ulsan plant.
Kia will launch its EV3 crossover electric vehicle in the European market this year, on top of the revamped EV6 and a more “economical” trim level for its flagship EV9.
Special edition versions of hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles for Hyundai and Kia will also be released in the European market.
Hyundai Motor Group also plans to expand its R&D center to continue its investment in the European market. Titled the Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, the center will take part in developing “premium and high-performance models” alongside sustainable mobility technology. 

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