LG Chem to supply cathode materials to Japanese joint venture

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LG Chem to supply cathode materials to Japanese joint venture

A company cathode material sample from LG Chem. [LG CHEM]

A company cathode material sample from LG Chem. [LG CHEM]

LG Chem, Korea's leading chemical company, said Sunday it plans to supply cathode materials to Prime Planet Energy & Solutions (PPES), a Japanese battery joint venture established between Toyota Motor and Panasonic.
LG Chem said it has secured PPES as a new customer as part of its global expansion strategy, and it plans to supply cathode materials to the Japanese firm starting in 2026.
In line with PPES' low-carbon vision, LG Chem said it will focus on developing innovative materials and process technologies that minimize environmental impact.
"It is significant for us to supply cathode materials for PPES's next-generation battery project," Shin Hak-cheol, vice chairman of LG Chem, said, adding that the company plans to pursue further global collaborations based on the company's differentiated market competitiveness.

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