'Music Bank' concert in Madrid canceled by football club

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'Music Bank' concert in Madrid canceled by football club

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KBS ″Music Bank″ emcees Moon Sang-min, left, and Hong Eun-chae [SCREEN CAPTURE]

KBS ″Music Bank″ emcees Moon Sang-min, left, and Hong Eun-chae [SCREEN CAPTURE]

The "Music Bank World Tour" that was slated for Oct. 12 in Madrid has been called off. 
According to KBS, the concert host, the decision came unilaterally on Friday by Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, the home stadium of football club Real Madrid. It said that the Spanish club had suspended all music events at the venue until March 2025 due to resident noise complaints. 

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KBS demanded an official apology and that Real Madrid take up the necessary responsibilities stemming from the cancellation.  
"The football club should take ethical and financial responsibility for the losses that K-pop fans and artists have suffered as they have invested significant time and money for the event," it said. 
The concert was slated to feature acts like Enhypen, BoyNextDoor, Riize, NMixx and Kiss of Life. Some 33,000 fans from 87 countries had purchased tickets for the show.  
K-pop fans have taken to the internet to ask Real Madrid to reconsider its decision to call off the concert. An online petition titled "Allow 2024 Music Bank to take place" on global petition platform Change.org had over 14,000 signatures as of Sunday afternoon.   
KBS also asked Real Madrid to reconsider in its Friday statement. 
"The production team is capable and willing to make every effort to not disappoint K-pop fans waiting for the concert, including adjusting or shortening the performance time and minimizing noise," it said.

BY LEE JIAN [lee.jian@joongang.co.kr]
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