Seoul residents enjoy sun after days of downpour

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Seoul residents enjoy sun after days of downpour

  • 기자 사진
People read under a crisp blue autumnal sky while lounging on bean bag chairs set up at Gwanghwamun Square in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Sunday afternoon. Sunday also marked the beginning of Chubun — the 16th solar term in the traditional lunisolar calendar — when day and night are roughly equal in length. Over the course of Chubun, the length of the day gradually shortens relative to the night. The clear weather seen across the capital and much of the country on Sunday contrasted sharply with the heavy rains that had wreaked havoc in southern regions over the two previous days. [NEWS1]

People read under a crisp blue autumnal sky while lounging on bean bag chairs set up at Gwanghwamun Square in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Sunday afternoon. Sunday also marked the beginning of Chubun — the 16th solar term in the traditional lunisolar calendar — when day and night are roughly equal in length. Over the course of Chubun, the length of the day gradually shortens relative to the night. The clear weather seen across the capital and much of the country on Sunday contrasted sharply with the heavy rains that had wreaked havoc in southern regions over the two previous days. [NEWS1]

People read under a crisp blue autumnal sky while lounging on bean bag chairs set up at Gwanghwamun Square in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Sunday afternoon. 
Sunday also marked the beginning of Chubun — the 16th solar term in the traditional lunisolar calendar — when day and night are roughly equal in length.
Over the course of Chubun, the length of the day gradually shortens relative to the night. 
The clear weather seen across the capital and much of the country on Sunday contrasted sharply with the heavy rains that had wreaked havoc in southern regions during the two previous days.

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