Gmarket's 'Star Delivery' promises next-day delivery — or your money back

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Gmarket's 'Star Delivery' promises next-day delivery — or your money back

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E-commerce platforms Gmarket and Auction introduced Star Delivery, a service that “guarantees” next-day delivery, on Monday. The service is provided through CJ Logistics’ delivery network. [GMARKET]

E-commerce platforms Gmarket and Auction introduced Star Delivery, a service that “guarantees” next-day delivery, on Monday. The service is provided through CJ Logistics’ delivery network. [GMARKET]

Gmarket, an e-commerce subsidiary of Shinsegae, will offer “guaranteed” next-day delivery in collaboration with CJ Logistics under a preexisting partnership with its parent conglomerate.
The service, titled Star Delivery, will roll out as a beta service Thursday offering 150,000 items across 14 different categories, including day-to-day products, kitchen utensils, cosmetics, canned foods and electronics. Eligible listings will have a Star Delivery logo below their descriptions.
Star Delivery will also be available on Auction, another e-commerce site owned by Gmarket.

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Items purchased before 10 p.m. on a weekday will receive guaranteed next-day delivery. Gmarket says it will compensate customers with 1,000 won ($0.75) in Smile Cash — Shinsegae's in-house currency that can only be used on Gmarket and Auction — per order if they do not receive their deliveries within the promised time frame.

“We were able to provide a faster and more convenient delivery service to our Gmarket and Auction customers, possible through a tight distribution cooperation with CJ,” Gmarket said in a news release Monday. “We will be increasing Star Delivery applicable items at a fast pace.”
Shinsegae signed a partnership with CJ Group regarding cooperation across logistics, product development and media in June.
E-commerce platforms Gmarket and Auction introduced Star Delivery, a delivery service that “guarantees” next-day delivery on Monday. The service is provided through CJ Logistics’ delivery network. [GMARKET]

E-commerce platforms Gmarket and Auction introduced Star Delivery, a delivery service that “guarantees” next-day delivery on Monday. The service is provided through CJ Logistics’ delivery network. [GMARKET]


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