Hanwha Ocean partners with U.S. ABS to develop advanced offshore tech

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Hanwha Ocean partners with U.S. ABS to develop advanced offshore tech

Officials from Hanwha Ocean and the American Bureau of Shipping pose for a photo after signing a partnership during Gastech 2024 in Houston, Texas. [HANWHA OCEAN]

Officials from Hanwha Ocean and the American Bureau of Shipping pose for a photo after signing a partnership during Gastech 2024 in Houston, Texas. [HANWHA OCEAN]

Major Korean shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean said Monday it has signed a partnership with the American Bureau of Shipping to jointly develop advanced offshore technologies. 
Under the agreement, signed during Gastech 2024, an international energy exhibition, in Houston, Texas, last week, the collaboration between Hanwha Ocean and ABS will focus on three key areas — sustainability, digitization and AI — and operational technology for enhanced cybersecurity, according to Hanwha Ocean.
These efforts aim to drive innovation in green energy solutions, improve energy efficiency and accelerate the transition to cleaner offshore operations through the development of technologies, such as carbon capture, offshore wind integration and the electrification and automation of offshore systems, it added.
Hanwha Ocean said it will offer safe, sustainable and cost-effective solutions for clients looking to develop low-cost, low-carbon oil fields.

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