Public weighs in on TMON, WeMakePrice crisis at FTC public hearing

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Public weighs in on TMON, WeMakePrice crisis at FTC public hearing

Protestors hold signs condemning the excessive regulation of the e-commerce industry during a public hearing regarding the payment crisis at TMON and WeMakePrice at the Korea Press Center in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

Protestors hold signs condemning the excessive regulation of the e-commerce industry during a public hearing regarding the payment crisis at TMON and WeMakePrice at the Korea Press Center in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday. [YONHAP]

Protesters hold signs condemning the excessive regulation of the e-commerce industry during a public hearing regarding the payment crisis at TMON and WeMakePrice at the Korea Press Center in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday.
The hearing, jointly hosted by the Financial Services Commission and Fair Trade Commission, gave members of the public the opportunity to weigh in on proposed regulations that would aim to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, including a requirement that e-commerce operators separately safeguard funds owed to vendors.
Stakeholders across academia, e-commerce, payment gateways, small businesses and settlement agencies attended the hearing.
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