Korea Dulle Trail opens, connecting 4,500 km around entire country

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Korea Dulle Trail opens, connecting 4,500 km around entire country

Korea Dulle Trail [JOONGANG ILBO]

Korea Dulle Trail [JOONGANG ILBO]

The "Korea Dulle Trail," which spans 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles) along the edges of Korea, officially opened on Monday.
The government hosted an opening ceremony at the Unification Observatory in Goseong County, Gangwon Province, to celebrate the completion of the trail.
This extensive ultra-long-distance walking trail was developed by seven ministries — the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST), the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Ministry of Unification, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment — to connect the east, west and south coasts, as well as South Korea’s shared border.

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Construction of the Korea Dulle Trail began in 2009, with the Haeparang Trail along the East Sea opening in 2016, the Namparang Trail along the South Sea in 2020 and the Seohaerang Trail along the Yellow Sea in 2022. The final section, the DMZ Peace Trail, was completed on Monday, marking the trail’s full opening.
During the ceremony, "The Global Expedition," a walking group of foreigners living in Korea, along with members of local walking clubs and the "Korea Dulle Trail Guardians," who manage the trail, walked together from the Goseong Unification Observatory to the Jejin Checkpoint to celebrate the trail's completion.
With the full opening of the trail, the MCST aims to boost regional tourism by linking the Korea Dulle Trail with nearby attractions, thus enhancing domestic travel demand. More information about the trail and local tourism resources is available on the Durunubi website.
The MCST and the Korea Tourism Organization will also host "Low Carbon Travel Week" from Monday to Oct. 13, promoting environmentally friendly travel options such as walking, biking and camping. This initiative will involve 44 organizations, including the Ministries of Environment and Oceans and Fisheries, as well as major corporations like Samsung Electronics and Kakao. 
Yong Ho-seong, first vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, front row center, and members of the Korea Dulle Trail Expedition pose for a commemorative photo at the opening ceremony at the Unification Observatory in Goseong County, Gangwon, on Monday. [JOONANG ILBO]

Yong Ho-seong, first vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, front row center, and members of the Korea Dulle Trail Expedition pose for a commemorative photo at the opening ceremony at the Unification Observatory in Goseong County, Gangwon, on Monday. [JOONANG ILBO]

During Low Carbon Travel Week, various events will take place, including a nationwide relay along the Korea Dulle Trail, a certification campaign for visiting 45 recommended courses, a 60-course cycling relay and walking and cycling trips with Eco-Rail. More details on these events and how to participate can be found on the MCST’s "Visit Korea" website.
"We intend to position the 'Korea Dulle Trail' as a global attraction that rivals other renowned walking trails worldwide," said Yong Ho-seong, the first vice minister of culture, sports and tourism, who was present at the opening ceremony.

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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