U.S. nuclear-powered submarine arrives in Busan for replenishment

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U.S. nuclear-powered submarine arrives in Busan for replenishment

The American nuclear-powered USS Vermont Virginia-class attack submarine arrives at a naval base in Busan on Monday to replenish supplies. [YONHAP]

The American nuclear-powered USS Vermont Virginia-class attack submarine arrives at a naval base in Busan on Monday to replenish supplies. [YONHAP]

A U.S. nuclear-powered submarine arrived at a major southeastern naval base Monday to replenish supplies and provide rest for crew members, South Korea's Navy said.
The USS Vermont entered the naval base in Busan, 320 kilometers southeast of Seoul, after conducting operations in the region, according to the Navy.

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The Navy said it plans to conduct friendly exchange activities with the crew members of the Virginia-class attack submarine during their stay in the country.
It marked the 7,800-ton submarine's first visit to South Korea after it was commissioned in 2020.
The U.S. submarine's arrival came amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula due to North Korea's continued saber-rattling, recently highlighted by its launches of multiple short-range ballistic missiles last Wednesday.
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