Roundtable discussion highlights opportunities for Kazakh-Korea cooperation

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Roundtable discussion highlights opportunities for Kazakh-Korea cooperation

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Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Korea Nurgali Arystanov speaks during a roundtable discussion event hosted by the Embassy of Kazakstan at the embassy building in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Sept. 11. [EMBASSY OF KAZAKHSTAN]

Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Korea Nurgali Arystanov speaks during a roundtable discussion event hosted by the Embassy of Kazakstan at the embassy building in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Sept. 11. [EMBASSY OF KAZAKHSTAN]

A roundtable discussion focused on Kazakhstan’s foreign policy initiatives and the recent State of the Nation address by Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was hosted by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Seoul on Sept. 11.
During the roundtable discussion, topics such as the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant, improvements to the business environment and investment climate, industrial and infrastructure development, digital transformation and the introduction of artificial intelligence, environmental protection and climate change and human capital development were discussed, along with Kazakhstan’s “multi-vector” foreign policy.
Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Korea Nurgali Arystanov emphasized that such areas open new opportunities for strengthening Kazakh-Korea relations and called on Korean companies to collaborate in these fields.
“President Tokayev emphasized the need for continued economic and tax reforms to address imbalances between monetary and fiscal policies,” Ambassador Arystanov said during the roundtable discussion. “The goal is to increase the share of medium-sized businesses in the economy from 7 percent to 15 percent by 2029 and grow the middle class. This creates a business-friendly environment and improves the investment climate, inviting Korean SMEs and major corporations to invest and grow alongside us.”
Arystanov also addressed Kazakhstan’s commitment to a “peaceful and balanced foreign policy,” saying that the country will continue its “multi-vector approach” to serve its national and international interests.
“We advocate for the resolution of armed conflicts through diplomatic means and demonstrate our commitment to broad multilateral cooperation in strict accordance with the UN Charter,” said Arystranov.
Noting President Yoon Suk Yeol's visit to Kazakhstan in June this year, Arystanov emphasized that “the principles and objectives outlined in President Tokayev’s address hold significant relevance for our bilateral relations with Korea.” He added that Tokayev’s “emphasis on public administration reform, economic growth, and infrastructure development aligns closely with Korea’s experiences and expertise.”
The roundtable event was attended by leaders and experts from the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, the Center for Central Asian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, representatives of the Secretariat of the Central Asia-Republic of Korea Cooperation Forum and the Governors Association of Korea, as well as representatives from academic circles and the media.
Participants during the roundtable discussion agreed that Kazakhstan and Korea were close strategic partners, and cooperation between the two countries showed significant progress. Korea ranks fourth among Kazakhstan's trading partners, with a trade turnover of $6 billion, and Korea is Kazakhstan’s fifth largest investor, having injected $1.2 billion into the Kazakh economy in 2023.
Former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baik Joohyeon, highly praised the address and noted that the Kazakh President’s speech reflects a vision of the country’s long-term development, supported by concrete measures and projects that contribute to expanding international cooperation, including with Korea.

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