Ewha welcomes 400 international students at Global Hokma Seminar Day

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Ewha welcomes 400 international students at Global Hokma Seminar Day

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Student representatives explain details about Ewha Womans University to incoming international students at the Global Hokma Seminar Day on Sept. 19. [EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY]

Student representatives explain details about Ewha Womans University to incoming international students at the Global Hokma Seminar Day on Sept. 19. [EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY]

Ewha Womans University announced on Monday that it hosted the Global Hokma Seminar Day for international freshmen, introducing them to the university and preparing to welcome even more international students next year.
Around 400 international undergraduate students who were admitted to Ewha Womans University for the fall semester attended the seminar on Sept. 19 at the university's campus in Seodaemun District, western Seoul.
These students are enrolled in the “Global Hokma Seminar 1: First Step at Ewha,” a mandatory course for international freshmen offered through the Hokma College of General Education. Professors teaching the course were also in attendance at the event.
During the event, international students were introduced to various aspects of Ewha Womans University, including available student clubs. Students also enjoyed K-pop dance and gugak (Korean traditional music) performances by student clubs. 
Students attend the Global Hokma Seminar Day event [EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY]

Students attend the Global Hokma Seminar Day event [EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY]

"I want to applaud all of you who, instead of studying in the comfort of your home country in your native language, had the courage to challenge yourselves and pursue higher education in Korea," said Paek Jee-yon, dean of the Hokma College of General Education. "We hope your time at Ewha Womans University will be both enjoyable and enriching, and we will do our best to offer you the utmost support."
The Hokma College of General Education offers a variety of liberal arts courses for Ewha students and will play a key role for prospective international students.
Beginning in the 2025 academic year, all international undergraduate students admitted to Ewha Womans University — except those in the Division of International Studies and the College of Nursing — will be enrolled in the Global Scholars Program under the Hokma College of General Education for their first year.
During this year, students will take Korean language classes and liberal arts courses before starting their major studies in their sophomore year. Additional support programs for international students will also be provided by the Hokma College of General Education.

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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