Yonsei-Korea games set to begin with rugby match omitted in tribute

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Yonsei-Korea games set to begin with rugby match omitted in tribute

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Yonsei and Korea University players during a football match held in 2023. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Yonsei and Korea University players during a football match held in 2023. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Korea University and Yonsei University announced Monday that they will be hosting the annual Yonsei-Korea Games, with this year's event not featuring a rugby match following a player's death.
The Yonsei-Korea Games, also known as Yon-Ko Jeon, will take place on Sept. 27 and 28 at various sports arenas across Seoul.
Although students refer to the games by placing their university's name first — Yon-Ko Jeon for Yonsei University students and Ko-Yon Jeon for Korea University students — this year's event is officially named Yon-Ko Jeon as Korea University is the host. The universities take turns hosting the games, with next year's event referred to as Ko-Yon Jeon.
The annual games feature five sports: football, baseball, basketball, ice hockey and rugby. However, this year's event will not include a rugby match in respect of the deceased Korea University rugby player, a 19-year-old student who died during preseason training in Japan in August.  
The opening ceremony will be held on Sept. 27 at 10:30 a.m. at the Jamsil Baseball Stadium in Songpa District, southern Seoul.
The first match will be a baseball game, held at the same stadium starting at 11:30 a.m. The ice hockey game will take place at the Mokdong Ice Rink in Yangcheon District, western Seoul, starting at 2 p.m. The basketball game will be held at the Goyang Gym in Goyang, Gyeonggi, at 5 p.m.  
The football game will take place the next day, Sept. 28, at Goyang Stadium, starting at 2 p.m.
The ice hockey and basketball games require tickets, which students can obtain by entering a random draw at their respective colleges. The baseball and football games do not require tickets, and students will be able to sit in seats allocated to their college.
Korea University will provide seating for students with disabilities at the venues to make the games accessible for all. For students who cannot attend the stadiums, the university will stream the games at Minju Square on campus in Seongbuk District, northern Seoul.
The annual games date back to the football match between Korea University and Yonsei University in 1927. Since then, the universities have showcased their rivalry every year through various sports matches. The five-sport system was first introduced in 1965, with the universities currently holding an even match record of 20 wins, 10 ties and 20 losses.  

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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