Autumn weather sets in after heavy weekend rains across the nation

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Autumn weather sets in after heavy weekend rains across the nation

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Visitors take selfies in a garden blooming with cosmos in Daejeon on Monday. [NEWS1]

Visitors take selfies in a garden blooming with cosmos in Daejeon on Monday. [NEWS1]

Korea woke up to a cooler morning under clear blue skies on Monday, following heavy rains that led to evacuations and flooding.
In Seoul, the morning low dipped to 16.6 degrees Celsius (61.9 degrees Fahrenheit), while the daytime high reached 26.1 degrees Celsius, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). This marks a significant drop in just four days, as the morning low had been 25.6 degrees Celsius in the capital on Thursday. 
In the Daegwallyeong area of Gangwon, morning lows fell to 11.3 degrees Celsius, while Paju in Gyeonggi recorded a low of 12.3 degrees Celsius.

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Busan saw a morning low of 19.1 degrees Celsius, with a daytime high of 25.9 degrees Celsius. However, Jeju’s morning low remained above 20 degrees, sitting at 23.3 degrees Celsius on Monday.
As the autumn weather cools down the nation, the daily temperature range is expected to widen, potentially exceeding 15 degrees Celsius this week.  
On Tuesday, the morning low in Seoul is expected to hover around 16 degrees Celsius, with the daytime high reaching 27 degrees. The daily temperature range in inland areas, such as Pocheon and Yangju in Gyeonggi, is anticipated to widen to 16 degrees Celsius.
According to the state weather agency, daytime temperatures for the time being will rise above 25 degrees Celsius in most parts of the country, with differences between day and night reaching 10 to 15 degrees, especially in inland areas. 
“Daytime temperatures will rise to nearly 30 degrees Celsius in southern inland areas and Jeju Island, and some inland regions will experience significant temperature differences of over 10 degrees between day and night, so please take care of your health,” a KMA official said.
People walk near Gwanghwamun in downtown Seoul under a clear blue sky on Monday morning. [YONHAP]

People walk near Gwanghwamun in downtown Seoul under a clear blue sky on Monday morning. [YONHAP]

The typical autumn weather arrives as cold, dry air from the north displaces the hot, humid air that has been lingering over the Korean Peninsula. 
With autumn arriving later than usual, the peak of fall foliage is expected to be delayed compared to previous years. According to the Korea Forest Service, the predicted peak times for foliage by tree species are as follows: Oct. 28 for oak trees, Oct. 29 for maples and Oct. 31 for ginkgo trees. 
Monday's refreshing weather followed a record autumnal downpour that swept across the country from Thursday to Saturday — particularly in the southern region — resulting in some 1,500 evacuations across seven cities and provinces, and 170 flooded homes. Heavy rain warnings were lifted nationwide by 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
President Yoon Suk Yeol on Monday urged relevant ministries and municipalities to make every effort to assist with recovery in the affected southern regions, according to presidential spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon.

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