Early morning fire in Gunsan spreads across four factories

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Early morning fire in Gunsan spreads across four factories

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Fire spreads at a metal manufacturing factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla on Monday. The fire started at around 1:57 a.m. Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]

Fire spreads at a metal manufacturing factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla on Monday. The fire started at around 1:57 a.m. Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]

A fire broke out and spread across four factories in Gunsan, a port city in North Jeolla, early Monday morning.
According to fire authorities, the blaze started at around 1:57 a.m. at a metal manufacturing factory in an industrial complex in Gunsan. The fire then spread to three other nearby factories.
It took roughly 4 hours and 40 minutes to extinguish the fire. No casualties have been reported as of 11:18 a.m. on Monday.
Fire authorities are investigating the cause of the blaze. 
Firefighters extinguish the blaze which was spreading at a factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla, on Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]

Firefighters extinguish the blaze which was spreading at a factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla, on Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]

The aftermath as the fire is extinguished at a factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla, on Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]

The aftermath as the fire is extinguished at a factory in Gunsan, North Jeolla, on Monday. [JEONBUK FIRE SECURITY HEADQUARTERS]


BY KIM JEE-HEE [kim.jeehee@joongang.co.kr]
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