Down Under dumplings: CJ Cheiljedang to supply mandu to Australia's Qantas Airways

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Down Under dumplings: CJ Cheiljedang to supply mandu to Australia's Qantas Airways

Bibigo dumpling products, which will be offered as in-flight snacks for Qantas Airways from Oct. 2, 2024. [CJ CHEILJEDANG]

Bibigo dumpling products, which will be offered as in-flight snacks for Qantas Airways from Oct. 2, 2024. [CJ CHEILJEDANG]

Korean food company CJ Cheiljedang said Tuesday it will supply its Bibigo dumpling products to Australia's Qantas Airways as in-flight snacks from next month. 

CJ Cheiljedang's two kinds of dumpling, named mandu in Korea, products — one based on pork and the other made of pork and kimchi — will be available on Qantas' domestic and international routes starting Oct. 2, the company said in a statement.
It is the first time that an overseas carrier will serve CJ's Bibigo products on its outbound routes to global cities, not to Seoul, it said.
Starting with the Qantas deal, CJ Cheiljedang said it will aggressively explore business opportunities in Australia's business-to-business markets to strengthen its global presence.

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