HD Hyundai chiefs visit Changwon plant to speak to new employees

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HD Hyundai chiefs visit Changwon plant to speak to new employees

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From left: HD Hyundai Chairman Kwon Oh-gap, Yeo In-pyo, head of production at HD Hyundai Marine Engine, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries CEO Lee Sang-kyun and HD Hyundai Vice Chairman Chung Ki-sun tour the HD Hyundai Marine Engine's Changwon plant in South Gyeongsang on Tuesday. [HD HYUNDAI]

From left: HD Hyundai Chairman Kwon Oh-gap, Yeo In-pyo, head of production at HD Hyundai Marine Engine, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries CEO Lee Sang-kyun and HD Hyundai Vice Chairman Chung Ki-sun tour the HD Hyundai Marine Engine's Changwon plant in South Gyeongsang on Tuesday. [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai chiefs, including Chairman Kwon Oh-gap and Vice Chairman Chung Ki-sun, visited the Changwon plant of HD Hyundai Marine Engine in South Gyeongsang to encourage their new employees on Tuesday.  
Four chiefs — Kwon, Chung, HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) CEO Kim Sung-joon and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries CEO Lee Sang-kyun — toured the key production sites such as engine assembly and testing stations.
“We sincerely welcome you [the employees] as part of the HD Hyundai family,” Kwon said. “We will spare no effort to support HD Hyundai Marine Engine to become a key player in the global ship engine market through [our] top-notch research & development capabilities."
Kwon and Chung also held a separate question and answer session with the 100 new employees to share HD Hyundai’s vision and key business portfolios.
HD Hyundai Marine Engine, formerly known as STX Heavy Industries, is a marine engine and parts manufacturer in which HD KSOE holds a controlling stake. With the acquisition completed in July, HD Hyundai secured a production portfolio in manufacturing engines for large ships, small- to medium-sized ships and power generation from its three affiliates, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, HD Hyundai Marine Engine and HD Hyundai Engine.

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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