JoongAng Group signs agreement with Dubai tourism body on content, events

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JoongAng Group signs agreement with Dubai tourism body on content, events

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CEO of the Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing Issam Kazim, left, and Vice Chairman of the JoongAng Group Hong Jeong-do sign an MOU at the JoongAng Ilbo Building in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Monday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

CEO of the Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing Issam Kazim, left, and Vice Chairman of the JoongAng Group Hong Jeong-do sign an MOU at the JoongAng Ilbo Building in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Monday. [PARK SANG-MOON]

The JoongAng Group signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) outlining joint initiatives that leverage Korean content, the local media conglomerate said Tuesday.  
The MOU, formalized Monday at the JoongAng Ilbo Building, secures a base for the JoongAng Group to expand its entertainment business in the Middle East. It plans to export content produced by its affiliates JTBC and SLL JoongAng to Dubai, and host future in-house events in the city. 

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The JoongAng Group and the DET will also collaborate on sports events, including mutual exchanges between the annual JTBC Seoul Marathon and the Dubai Marathon, and explore new business opportunities linked to the Dubai Fitness Challenge, a monthlong festival of health, fitness and well-being in Dubai. 
“The Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism is further developing the city’s services and communicating more closely with global customers, including Korean travelers, through public and private sector partnerships,” Issam Kazim, CEO of the Dubai Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing, said. “This partnership will open a new growth path in the wellness area, and we look forward to creating mutual benefits through various projects based on the JoongAng Group’s outstanding expertise and capabilities.”
“I think it is meaningful to have an opportunity to further grow the JoongAng Group’s diverse content production capabilities and new business model with global partners,” Hong Jeong-do, vice chairman of the JoongAng Group, said. “The JoongAng Group will continue to do its best to ensure that Korea's cultural and sports businesses are loved by a wider market.”  

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