KITA talks deforestation, carbon footprint with top EU officials during Brussels visit

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KITA talks deforestation, carbon footprint with top EU officials during Brussels visit

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KITA Chairman Yoon Jin-sik speaks to Patrick Anthony Child, deputy director-general of the Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission, about regulations related to climate change and batteries in Brussels on Monday. [KITA]

KITA Chairman Yoon Jin-sik speaks to Patrick Anthony Child, deputy director-general of the Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission, about regulations related to climate change and batteries in Brussels on Monday. [KITA]

A delegation of the Korea International Trade Association (KITA) made a two-day visit to Brussels to discuss European Union regulations related to climate change and batteries with officials from the EU Commission.
The delegation, headed by KITA Chairman Yoon Jin-sik, included representatives from Korean businesses operating in Europe such as Meta Biomed, Hanyoung Nux, Exicon and Daejoo Auto Tech.
The delegation conveyed its views on the EU's upcoming deforestation regulations and provided feedback on battery-related treaties, including those related to the region's carbon footprint supply chain due diligence and waste battery recycling during a meeting with Patrick Anthony Child, deputy director-general of the Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission, on Monday.
Yoon met with Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade the following day, urging caution regarding implementing trade regulations on the EU’s key ally countries such as Korea. He also shared concerns about the administrative burdens that current EU regulations place on companies attempting to enter Korea's market and called for the parliament’s attention to such issues.
The KITA plans to open a new office in Warsaw on Thursday in order to expand its support for Korean companies entering Europe.

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