Starbucks celebrates 25 years at Ewha branch with retro vibes, special offers

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Starbucks celebrates 25 years at Ewha branch with retro vibes, special offers

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The third floor of the EDAE branch [STARBUCKS KOREA]

The third floor of the EDAE branch [STARBUCKS KOREA]

Starbucks Korea will give its first Ewha Womans University (EDAE) branch a makeover to celebrate the store’s 25th anniversary, offering discounts, new drinks and special merchandise.
Starting Tuesday, the EDAE branch will exclusively offer three new items: the Starbucks 1st Store Caffe Americano, Starbucks 1st Store Caffe Latte and Starbucks 1st Store Cream Latte. These drinks will feature the cafe's Korea-exclusive Byuldabang Blend. 
"The EDAE branch holds significance as our first store, opening in 1999 and growing together with the local community over the past 25 years," said Starbucks Korea CEO Sohn Jeong-hyun.
The Starbucks 1st Store Cream Latte, a drink exclusive to the EDAE branch [STARBUCKS KOREA]

The Starbucks 1st Store Cream Latte, a drink exclusive to the EDAE branch [STARBUCKS KOREA]

A total of 14 mugs and tumblers, featuring designs exclusive to the branch, will be available for purchase. The merchandise will be displayed in a dedicated area where visitors can also view other items sold at the cafe.
In addition, paper bags will be redesigned to feature the pear blossom, a symbol of Ewha Womans University.
Personalized tumbler engraving services will be introduced, making this the first Starbucks Korea branch to offer such a service.  
Touches that remind customers of the branch’s history will be incorporated throughout the store.
Between Tuesday and Oct. 31, the branch will offer tall-sized Caffe Americanos for 3,000 won ($2.24), the price of the drink back in 1999. The discount applies only to on-site orders.
Photos showcasing how the branch has evolved since 1999 will be exhibited on the third floor, alongside artwork offering a modern take on the Starbucks siren logo.
Additionally, menu boards will be handwritten to evoke a retro vibe, and baristas will mark orders on cups with Sharpies, as they did in 1999. Coffee will be brewed using the Black Eagle, a manual espresso machine.

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