Nicolas Party artwork returns to exhibition after falling

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Nicolas Party artwork returns to exhibition after falling

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A Nicolas Party triptych on view at Hoam Museum of Art in Yongin, Gyeonggi, similar to the piece that was knocked down [YONHAP]

A Nicolas Party triptych on view at Hoam Museum of Art in Yongin, Gyeonggi, similar to the piece that was knocked down [YONHAP]

A Nicolas Party artwork that was briefly not on display has returned to its exhibition at the Hoam Museum of Art in Yongin, Gyeonggi.
A child visiting the exhibition knocked down one of the Swiss artist's pieces, "Triptych with Trees," last Wednesday while looking at their phone.  

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"Triptych with Trees" has a central panel with flaps on each side that can open and close. It was displayed on top of a pedestal at the exhibition.
The museum reported no damages done to the piece except for two screws that fell out from one of the triptych's hinges. While it was being repaired, the museum temporarily removed the artwork from the exhibition for about a week.
“It was a simple happening," a Samsung Foundation of Culture representative told the Korea JoongAng Daily. "There were no ill intentions. It was an accident by a visitor who had come to see the artworks."
A similar triptych piece by Party sold for $350,000 at Frieze Seoul earlier this month.
Hoam is presenting Party's solo exhibition "Dust," his largest survey that presents 73 pastel paintings, sculptures and murals. The show ends on Jan. 19 next year.

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