Military helicopters assemble for flight rehearsal ahead of Armed Forces Day

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Military helicopters assemble for flight rehearsal ahead of Armed Forces Day

Military helicopters conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

Military helicopters conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

Military helicopters and the Black Eagles aerobatic team conducted a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. 
The Black Eagles aerobatic team conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

The Black Eagles aerobatic team conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

Military helicopters conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

Military helicopters conduct a flight rehearsal around Lotte World Tower in southern Seoul, as seen from Namhansanseong, a fortress in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, on Tuesday, a week before Armed Forces Day. [NEWS1]

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