Yoon has dinner with PPP leadership, doesn't hold separate private talks with chief Han

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Yoon has dinner with PPP leadership, doesn't hold separate private talks with chief Han

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President Yoon Suk Yeol, center left, takes a stroll with conservative People Power Party (PPP) Chairman Han Dong-hoon, center right, and other PPP leaders after a dinner meeting at the presidential office in central Seoul on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, center left, takes a stroll with conservative People Power Party (PPP) Chairman Han Dong-hoon, center right, and other PPP leaders after a dinner meeting at the presidential office in central Seoul on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol hosted a dinner meeting for the leadership of the People Power Party (PPP), including PPP chief Han Dong-hoon, at the Yongsan presidential on Tuesday.
The dinner, a no tie affair which lasted 90 minutes, included presidential aides and PPP leadership such as floor leader Rep. Choo Kyung-ho and the party’s supreme council members, according to the presidential office.  
The meeting provided an opportunity to share the results of Yoon’s visit to the Czech Republic last week. It also was a chance for PPP members to convey public sentiment gleaned over the Chuseok holiday and suggestions to the government. It served to “build a network between the party and government to continue communication through various channels,” the presidential office said in a statement.  
A private meeting between Yoon and the president didn’t take place, however.  

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Ahead of the meeting, Han had requested for a private one-on-one meeting with Yoon on the margins of the dinner, but the presidential office turned down the offer.
Han again requested a private meeting to a senior presidential official at the dinner to create an opportunity to discuss pending issues with the president, according to sources who attended the dinner.
The dinner is the second of its kind since former Justice Minister Han's election as PPP’s leader in July and comes as the presidential office and PPP face major tasks including resolving a doctors’ walkout over the government’s medical school admissions quota hike plan.  
Yoon last hosted a dinner for the PPP leadership at the lawn in front of the presidential office in late July, an opportunity to demonstrate that the presidential office and government were on the same page on major issues.
However, a possible follow-up dinner in August fell through reportedly because of strife over medical reform.  
President Yoon Suk Yeol, front row center, poses for a commemorative photo with conservative People Power Party (PPP) Chairman Han Dong-hoon, front row second from left, at a dinner meeting between the presidential office and the leadership of the PPP at the presidential office in central Seoul on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, front row center, poses for a commemorative photo with conservative People Power Party (PPP) Chairman Han Dong-hoon, front row second from left, at a dinner meeting between the presidential office and the leadership of the PPP at the presidential office in central Seoul on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Han, Yoon's trusted confidant dating from their time as senior and junior prosecutors, reportedly faced a rocky patch with the president after clashing over issues including election nominations and the handling of allegations that first lady Kim Keon Hee accepted a luxury bag from a pastor ahead of April's general election.  
Tuesday’s dinner reportedly didn’t involve discussions of key pending issues such as legislative conflicts and allegations related to the first lady.  
The dinner had a “amicable” atmosphere, according to a presidential official.  
After the dinner banquet, the entourage took a 10-minute walk near the fountain park.

BY SARAH KIM [kim.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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