Driver dies in car crash while fleeing YouTuber

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Driver dies in car crash while fleeing YouTuber

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Firefighters extinguish a fire from a BMW that was completely burned after crashing into a trailer in Gwangsan District, Gwangju, on Sunday. [GWANGJU GWANGSAN FIRE STATION]

Firefighters extinguish a fire from a BMW that was completely burned after crashing into a trailer in Gwangsan District, Gwangju, on Sunday. [GWANGJU GWANGSAN FIRE STATION]

A man in his 30s fleeing from a YouTuber tracking suspected drunk drivers died after crashing into a trailer in Gwangju.
According to the Gwangju Gwangsan Police Precinct on Tuesday, a 35-year-old man driving a BMW crashed into a cement transport trailer parked near a gas station in Gwangsan District at around 3:50 a.m. on Sunday.
The vehicle was completely destroyed after a fire broke out following the crash, according to the police. The driver, who sustained serious injuries, was transferred to a hospital but later died.
The accident also caused property damage estimated at around 13 million won ($9,740).
Police suspect the driver fled from the YouTuber, who was pursuing suspected drunk drivers. 
The YouTuber was following the driver and live-streaming the chase after reporting the suspected drunk driver to the police. Two other vehicles — known to be driven by subscribers of the YouTuber — were also reportedly chasing the driver.
The police are investigating the case and have called in the YouTuber as a reference.
“We will examine the exact causal relationship between the YouTuber's pursuit and the accident,” a police official said.

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