K-water to help desalinate seawater for Middle East water crisis

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K-water to help desalinate seawater for Middle East water crisis

K-water CEO Yun Seog-dae, left, sits down with Saudi Water Authority President Abdullah Al-Abdulkariem to discuss water security solutions. [K-WATER]

K-water CEO Yun Seog-dae, left, sits down with Saudi Water Authority President Abdullah Al-Abdulkariem to discuss water security solutions. [K-WATER]

Yun Seog-dae, CEO of the Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) discussed potential solutions to the Middle East's water shortage with Saudi Water Authority President Abdullah Al-Abdulkariem on Tuesday.
Yun and the president touched on water security solutions, including the potential of K-water's digital twin water management platform, at a meeting Tuesday in Beijing during the third Asia International Water Week. The management platform is currently operational in Saudi Arabia's port city of Jiddah.

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The parties agreed to explore joint research and development initiatives for more sustainable water resources, including desalination.
Saudi Arabia is one of the world's most arid countries and highest water consumers per capita; it is increasingly reliant on desalination in order to meet the drinking needs of its population.
Moreover, the Saudi Water authority requested K-water's support for its bid for the fifth Asia International Water Week, which will take place in 2030.
“This meeting provided a valuable opportunity to deepen understandings of our cutting-edge water management technology and expand our areas of cooperation,” said K-water CEO Yun. “Through close collaboration, we will actively support Saudi Arabia's transition to a post-oil era, contribute to the success of the government's new Middle East initiative and broaden opportunities for Korea's water industry to enter the Middle Eastern market.”

BY YOON SEUNG-JIN [yoon.seungjin@joongang.co.kr]
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