LG Innotek innovates material defect detection with AI technology

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LG Innotek innovates material defect detection with AI technology

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LG Innotek said on Wednesday that it has developed and applied the electronics manufacturing industry's first AI technology to detect defective raw materials at the point of entry for production to prevent them from being used.
The Korean electronics component maker believes this technology will contribute to the enhancement of quality competitiveness in its packaging substrates.
Before, raw materials were merely visually inspected before production, which became insufficient with the increasing complexity of the substrates.
The AI, which has been trained on tens of thousands of images to recognize acceptable and unacceptable material compositions, can analyze the components with over 90 percent accuracy in a minute and visualize quality variations between different materials.

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The company plans to continue to enhance the AI by sharing relevant data through partnerships with substrate industry customers and suppliers, and expand the application to other image-based optical solutions, such as camera modules, to identify defects.
“The AI implementation allows LG Innotek to preemptively identify various causes of defects, thereby creating a unique AI ecosystem that delivers distinguished customer value,” said Roh Sung-won, LG Innotek’s chief technology officer, said in a statement. “We will continue to drive digital production innovation to produce high-quality products spending minimal cost and time.”

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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