LIG Nex1 launches booth at Philippines' ADAS defense expo

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LIG Nex1 launches booth at Philippines' ADAS defense expo

LIG Nex1 is participating in the Asian Defense & Security Exhibition (ADAS) 2024 in the Philippines starting Wednesday. [LIG NEX1]

LIG Nex1 is participating in the Asian Defense & Security Exhibition (ADAS) 2024 in the Philippines starting Wednesday. [LIG NEX1]

LIG Nex1 is participating in the Asian Defense & Security Exhibition (ADAS) 2024 in the Philippines starting Wednesday.
The expo, the Southeast Asian country's flagship defense and security exhibition, will run in Manila through Friday. The event welcomes defense and arms manufacturers, distributors and representatives from the defense, security and disaster management industries to showcase products and services to the Philippine armed forces and police. 
The Korean weapons manufacturer is displaying a variety of advanced guided weapons at ADAS 2024, having recently inked a 3.7 trillion won ($2.78 billion) deal to export its Cheongung-II missile defense system to Iraq.
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