Super Junior-D&E set to release sixth EP 'Inevitable' ahead of world tour

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Super Junior-D&E set to release sixth EP 'Inevitable' ahead of world tour



Super Junior-D&E will release its sixth EP, "Inevitable," on Wednesday. 
This album comes six months after the duo's fifth EP, “606,” which was released in March.

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“Inevitable” will feature six tracks, including the lead track “Go High,” along with other tracks such as “Break,” “Only You” and “Eau De Perfume.”
The lead track, “Go High,” is a hip-hop song characterized by strong drum and bass sounds.
The duo is also set to kick off its world tour, “2024 Super Junior-D&E World Tour: Eclipse,” at Olympic Park Handball Stadium in southern Seoul on Saturday and Sunday. The duo will perform its new tracks for the first time during this performance, according to the agency.
The tour will then take Super Junior-D&E to Taipei in Taiwan on Nov. 9 and 10, Hong Kong on Dec. 7 and 8, Bangkok on Dec. 14, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam on Dec. 28, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on Jan. 4 next year, Macau on Jan. 18 and 19, Kaohsiung in Taiwan on Jan. 25 and 26, and more.
Super Junior-D&E is a subunit of the boy band Super Junior, consisting of members Donghae and Eunhyuk. The duo made its debut with the digital single “Oppa Oppa” in December 2011.
To find out more about Super Junior-D&E, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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